WRITER charles roberts


About Me - Page 1

Who am I today? I am for you.


I will always catch a stray thought and pass it on to you.


Although I am older than my parents will ever get, I wonder each day what they have made and what is yet to come of their author.


I am Myers-Briggs personality type “rational, mastermind,” Mechanical Engineer, Ba, UA ’96, with an interest in science and history, anthropology, technology and cybernetic theory, psychology and parapsychology.


I am funny.


Science Fiction - future, present, or past. This is my love, my joy.

Literature drives my voice - beyond populisms; eternal, human, meaningful.


In any genre, venue or domain, fiction and non-fiction, I imagine high expectations from my readers and myself.

I write of many things, augmented with video, audio, and graphic productions, in any style which reaches my intended audience through appropriate wordsmithing to portray the human interplay between psychology, philosophy, physics, and survival within the universe at large.


I will host a writers group, seat a nightclub table, tend a dream, and lead a study series in order to realize our goals as “creators.”


My goal in 2023: Create and execute my marketing plan, identify market opportunities and narrow productive focus.


From the mountains of Colorado, to the deserts of Arizona, across the westward ocean to the coasts of Hawaii, I write for you.



(Jump to ABOUT ME - P2)


In my laboratory

Born on planet Earth 1958

Homo sapiens species. Citizen of the galaxy. Perched on the edge of a “pebble in the sky”

Writing is probably my 7th career. I publish independently under the auspices of Justice, LLC.

After graduating from the University of Arizona in 1996, my BSc in Mechanical Engineering has organized my natural skills, brought many complete and well-planned projects from the clouds to the ground, and then to the bank.

I plan to do the same as a writer.


Below are a few waypoints which may entertain you.




2001 - 2012 Justice Computers & Services, LLC



I host a weekly brain relief session. Did you sprain your pinky on the keyboard this week? Bitch about it!


Weekly invitations by email - different, secure login will be issued each session




The sky’s the limit on how big a dream can grow. 

Goals need to be broad enough to encompass the range of ideas Humans experience. The primary goal of DREAM TENDING will be to deepen our relationship with the images of the dream. Consequently we will base our work on the methods of Dream Tending as presented by Aizenstat. In brief, we will focus on the images and their associations. We will avoid psychoanalyzing ourselves and each other. We understand however that, given the nature of the material, some psychoanalyzing is enjoyable and productive after we depart the sessions. We will also avoid interpreting dreams, hesitating over declarative statements about dreams’ meanings.

Deciding once and for all that a particular dream has one and only one meaning ‘freezes’ its magic, while the process of tending the images helps keep the images alive and active in all the dreamer’s life – past and present.

Each session involves the presentation of one written dream. Participants follow a sequence of inquiry and then exploration which resembles the interview phase of psychoanalysis and patient intake. 

3-6 people. Weekly, 90 min maximum session length. Commitment - of interest and dedication - must exist in all participants, because of the time interval between each of their ‘own’ dream journal sessions. 

The form is precise, rigorous, magical.  
When ‘the Sonnet’ is structured, ‘the Haiku’ dictated, a world of empty cups and shiny mornings opens for the dreamer to fill from the well of colors…

And what will you dream tonight?

Dream Group Format
Check In/business: meet and greet, practical details, announcements, etc.
Ritual Candle Lighting: Move from profane to sacred space.
Previous Dream Wrap-Up: Group discussion on dream worked in previous group (this involves everyone since others may be affected as much as the original dreamer).
Listening to the Dream (new dream): Be curious and listen poetically!
Dreamer relays the dream to the group (using present tense)
Group discussion of dream elements with focus on:
Setting, Landscape, Location, Era: forest, city, desert, ocean, car, boat, 19th century Paris, etc.
Plot or Dramatic Story Line: setting the stage, enacting the drama, resolving or failing to resolve the drama
Characters and Creatures: Identify the various figures one at a time. Are they similar to anyone in waking life? If so, how are they the same and different? What are the differences and similarities between dream figures? Give each character a name.
Look for repetitions, contrasts, polarities, and similarities.
Exploring Associations:
Explore associations from the dreamer’s personal history. Think about events in the last 48 hours preceding the dream. Often dreams are a continuation of awake-life experience. Is the dream taking place in a particular era of the dreamer’s life? What comes up for you when you think of airplanes?
Explore themes from mythological and cultural stories: See if events or themes are similar to myths, fairy tales, legends, or literature.
Explore connections to the larger world (i.e., not from personal or collective human experience) for example ecology (or planetary health). Listen to the dream figure speak of its own plight in the world (is it possible that the world psyche is speaking to you through the dream). 
Interacting with the Images:
Tell the dream again reliving the experience slowly and thoughtfully (might require a facilitator). Become aware of what is most striking and explore it. Notice what has been left out or added from the first telling.
Use your physical senses. For example imagine that you are touching a dream animal (or smelling it or examining visual details) if that seems to be important.
Continue this exploration at home with art, dancing or music, note any manifestations.
Check Out: 
Review how each group member feels.
 Make suggestions for maintaining contact with the dream images.
Light second candle and move from sacred to profane (adjournment.)

A Little Historical Perspective:
Freud: “Every dream without exception goes back to an impression of the last few days.” Meaning dreams are about daytime concerns. Freud’s methods of analysis were geared toward the extraction of material from the dream that would be useful to waking consciousness. The focus is on outward success.
Jung: “The dream is compensation.” Dreams balance an otherwise unbalanced consciousness or ego. This is typically in service to the development or growth of the greater Self. The Self is defined as consisting of the entire psyche with the ego as a small part. The Self in Jung’s view is vitally active in seeing to it that the entire person (not just ego or consciousness) achieves its potential. The focus is on inward salvation.
Hillman: “The underworld does not care about the daily problems of waking consciousness. It has its own motivations and concerns”. Hillman sees Freud’s methods as typical of the imperial ego taking whatever gold it can manage to get its hands on. I suspect that he even sees Jung’s position as being somewhat rapacious or greedy.  He certainly does not agree with the idea of individuation as integration. He talks instead about disintegration and multiplicity making one more complex. Hillman suggests that the flow needs to be reversed. Rather than take from the images we would give to them. The focus is on depth for its own sake.
Aizenstat: “I believe that dreams are alive. The images in dreams have lives and bodies of their own; they are not merely projections of the dreamer. These images often have something to say about their own lives, about their own plights in the world.” In this view dreams may very well not be about us personally at all.

Thoughts on Goals and Working Methods:
The sky’s the limit on setting personal goals. However, group goals need to be broad enough to encompass the range of ideas briefly mentioned above. Therefore, our primary goal will be to deepen our relationship with the images of the dream. Consequently we will base our work on the methods of Dream Tending as presented by Aizenstat . In brief, we will focus on the images and their associations. We will avoid psychoanalyzing ourselves and each other. We understand however that, given the nature of the material, some psychoanalyzing is unavoidable. We will also avoid interpreting the dreams (meaning we will avoid making declarative statements about the dreams meaning). Deciding once and for all that a particular dream has one and only one meaning invariably kills it. While the process of tending the images helps keep the images alive and active in the dreamer’s life.

I have formed many small groups, including the above session and a writer’s critique group on SUNDAYS. 


After UA, I began working for a small computer service, sales, and support company. I liked the job so much, I bought the company.


Having built a toy computer as a kid in the sixties, the Commodore 64 computer became my first true computer during the eighties. I lived and worked through the computer revolution, learning almost everything first on paper, by hand and slipstick, then on keyboard and teletype, proceeding on to the mighty PC and the internet that Gore built.


Y2k, troubleshooting, business and science support - yes - but I worked with people – people who used computers...


Now we’re back to mainframes, clutching postage-stamp sized screens which serve as corporate point-of-sale terminals. (POS) 


‘Homey don’t play dat.’


I’ll give up my PC’s when the lights go out.

‘Learn to teach, teach to learn.’


During my education in southern Arizona, USA at the  University of Arizona, I worked for two years at the open physics lab, teaching and assisting all physics students as needed. I know physics.


Senior project I acted as vice-author for an assessment of an orbital debris satellite named ASPOD. (Autonomous Space Processing of Orbital Debris)


Employed part time at a bio-physics lab as engineering support and research assistant.


Built solar telescope components at SCLERA - man what a view from the tower! Tallest building in Tucson.

(Santa Catalina Laboratory for Experimental Relativity by Astrometry)